Update 7.0.5 iphone 5c

Timeline Of The IPhone

By Gubbly
  • IPhone was released

    IPhone was released
    The worlds most hyped consumer product
  • Apple released update 1.1.1

    Apple released update 1.1.1
    The first update for the IPhone
  • Apple released update 1.1.2

    Apple released update 1.1.2
    Closed the LibTiff and Symlinks exlpoit
  • IPhone D.E.V team released soft update jailbreak 1.1.3

    IPhone D.E.V team released soft update jailbreak 1.1.3
    Not the first update for jailbreak
  • IPhone D.E.V team tweets the VFDecrypt for iOS 2.2

    IPhone D.E.V team tweets the VFDecrypt for iOS 2.2
    demonstrating for the first time that the unsigned code can now be run on that device
  • Apple released update 2.2.1

    Apple released update 2.2.1
    closing the AT+stkprof exploit
  • Another jailbreak release for IPhone 3GS

    Another jailbreak release for IPhone 3GS
    Not the first jailbreak update for IPhone 3GS
  • IPhone 4 launced

    IPhone 4 launced
    First ever launcing for the IPhone 4
  • Apple released iOS 4.2.9 and 4.3.4

    Apple released iOS 4.2.9 and 4.3.4
    patched up all jailbreak related vulnerabilities
  • Initial release for the IPhone 5

    Initial release for the IPhone 5
    Released in first set of countries
  • iOS 7.0.5 is released for IPhone 5c

    iOS 7.0.5 is released for IPhone 5c
    Updated to fix the network provisioning
  • Update iOS 7.1.1

    Update iOS 7.1.1
    Released with more bug fixes
  • Bibliography
