Timeline of the Industrial Revolution from the Agricultural Revolution

By akaira
  • Invention of the First Steam Engine

    Invention of the First Steam Engine
    Thomas Savery was an English inventor who created a machine which could take water from flooded mines in 1698. It worked using a heat engine that uses steam as its fuel. The steam engine forced steam pressure into a powerful force using a piston which slid back and forth.
  • 4 Year Crop Rotation Plan is Adopted

    4 Year Crop Rotation Plan is Adopted
    The 4 Year Crop Rotation Plan is a plan where a field goes through the same crops every four years. This prevents disease, causes fewer problems for insects and has less weeds. It also lets the crops grow more effectively. This starts off with a type of fruit followed by a root, leaf and finally a legume.
  • Child Labour Starts

    Child Labour Starts
    Child Labour was around earlier than the 1750s, but became increasingly common during this time. This was due to the migration of farmers and families who were looking for work. This lead to towns and cities growing dramatically, needing more workers.
  • Invention of the Spinning Jenny

    Invention of the Spinning Jenny
    The spinning jenny was created by James Hargreaves in England. It was one of the first few inventions of the industrial revolution and helped Britain's textile industry incredibly. It had 8 different spindles working the work of 8 workers simultaneously. However, it was also a threat to workers so Hargreaves was often robbed and assaulted by spinners hoping not to lose their work.
  • Creation of Railways

    Creation of Railways
    Rails for moving coal were created in Coalbrookdale in 1767 to transport coal by Richard Reynolds. These rails were initially made of wood but later became iron. In 1801, in the first Act of Parliament, the creation of a railway was passed.
  • First Factory Opened by Richard Arkwright at Cromford

    First Factory Opened by Richard Arkwright at Cromford
    Richard Arkwright is often thought of as the creator of the modern factory system. He made his first factory using the "spinning frame" at Cromford in England. The workers there worked for twelve hours a day, six days a week starting from 5 in the morning. This was implemented in 1771. By 1785, 30,000 people were employed following Arkwrights rules.
  • Creation of the Telegraph System

    Creation of the Telegraph System
    In 1843, a telegraph system was made by Samuel Morse from Washington D.C. to Baltimore. On the 24th of May, 1844, the first telegraph was sent, bearing the message, "What hath God wrought?".
  • Bessemer Process for Extracting Steel is discovered

    Bessemer Process for Extracting Steel is discovered
    The Bessemer process was the first less expensive process for industrial mass production of steel. It removed impurities using oxidation while air was blown into the molten iron. It was discovered in 1855 by English inventor Sir Henry Bessemer.
  • First Commercially Available Internal Combustion Engine is made

    First Commercially Available Internal Combustion Engine is made
    The first internal combustion engine was made in 1804 and was considered the first ever creation of its king. This was made by Swiss inventor Isaac de Rivaz but it was later elaborated on by French physicist Nicolas Carnot. However, in 1859, Belgian inventor Jean-Joseph-Étienne Lenoir made the first ever commercially successful internal combustion engine. It was operated using a mixture of coal gas and air and had exhausts to discharge unneeded waste.
  • Creation of the Modern Assembly Line

    Creation of the Modern Assembly Line
    The modern assembly line used today was created by Henry Ford on the 1st of December, 1913. It reduced the time it took to make a car from 12 hours to less than an hour and 33 minutes.