Jan 1, 1500
Triangle Slave Trade
Movement of slaves across three countries. Started in the 1500's -
Shot Heard Round the World
This marked the beginning of the Revolutionary War, and the battle for the independence of the United State. -
Ratification of the Articles of Conferderation
Signature of the Constitution
the Constitution was ratified and signed. -
Lincoln's Presidency
March 4, 1860- April 15, 1865 -
Battle of Fort Sumter
The Civil War Begins. -
Carolina Sucedes
Florida Breaks from the Union
Beiginning of the Civil War
April 12, 1861- April 9, 1865 -
Texas Succeeds
Battle of Bull Run
First Majoor win for tthe Confederate Army. -
Battle of Antietam
Union Army ended Confederates progressive threat on Washington D.C. -
Draft Riots of New York
Lincoln's Assassination
Lincoln is killed by John Wilkes Booth.