TImeline of Special education

By kmoss97
  • National College for the blind and deaf

    National college for the blind and deaf was created. This was the first of its kind, that was initiated by Abraham Lincoln. This was the only school for the deaf and blind in the US
  • Civil rights act

    This event can be considered the very start of establishing rights for US citizens, that may not be taken because of who you are, what color your skin is, or your race. This event was the start for the fight of equality for all
  • Plessy V. Ferguson

    Plessy vs. Ferguson was a supreme court case that allowed the separation of races in school to be legal, but the treatment of each student had to be equal for this to be constitutional. Separate facilities were created for students of color and white students.
  • Brown V. The Board of Education

    This case was a monumental supreme court case that deemed the segregation of schools to be unconstitutional. This case was also a major jump start for students with disabilities.
  • Mills V. Board of education of the District of columbia

    this case created the start of due process so that students had equal rights and opportunities. This granted that students needs were to be individually met no matter the cost to fulfill their needs.
  • The Rehabilitation act of 1973

    The rehabilitation act of 1973 - This was a law that President Nixon signed into action that mandates plans for students for students that had special needs or requirements.
  • Education for all Handicapped children Act

    The education for all handicapped children act gave basic rights and education to children that had special needs that caused handicaps, which is now called IDEA.
  • The Rowley Decision

    The Rowley decision- discussed IDEA, and created a examination that helped educators work with students with special needs and case files.
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act

    The Americans with Disabilities act made discrimination resulting in a lack of privileges, transportation, or accommodations illegal. This was monumental when it came to education for children or students that needed special assistance.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No child left behind was created to make equal opportunities for children, and made yearly goals for students that teachers can track to help make progress for students.