Timeline of Special Education 1800-2023

By dmenser
  • The first permanent school for the deaf in America began in Connecticut

    Opened by Thomas H Gallaudet. This was the first school in America for any type of disability. This was the start of the disability movement for education.
    Sutori (n.d.)
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    American Civil War

    Many Americans were injured and had became amputees during the civil war leaving them disabled
  • 1932- March of Dimes was founded by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

    Started by President Franklin D Roosevelt who suffered from Polio. This organization raised money for disability awareness and was the first "fundraiser" of its type.
    Sutori (n.d.)
  • ARC Founded

    Provided resources and advocacy for children and the families who were diagnosed with mental retardation.
  • Brown vs The Board of Education

    Supreme court found that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional, this included students with disabilities
    Akhtar (2023)
  • First Accessibility Standard Published

    First to make buildings accessible by the handicap. This also started a trend that after it was past many other states followed in its footsteps.
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    Special Olympics

    Eunice Kennedy Shriver Started the Special Olympics. People with all ranges of disabilities were able to compete in athletic events. The first events were held in Chicago in 1968.
  • Civil Rights Act Passed

    Gave rights to African Americans and woman but did not do anything for people with disabilities
    Akhtar (2023)
  • Special Olympics

  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation ACT of 1973

    This law probhited any federally funded agency, business, or university to discriminate based on disabilities.
  • IDEA- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    This act guaranteed all students to a free, and appropriate public education within the least restrictive environment
    Casey and JD (2023b)
  • Education For All Handicapped Children Act

    This act requires all federally funded schools to provide equal access to education to all children with disabilities. It is also where the IEP was established and with parents input schools were required to come up with a plan that emulated as close to a non-disabled child's educational experience.
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

    Signed by President Bush this is a civil rights law that protects anyone with a disability from being discriminated against in school, work, public transportation or anywhere that the general public is allowed.
    Yudin (2015)
  • History of Disability Rights

    All public schools k-12 are to be taught the history of disability rights movement. This has made more children aware of disabilities and made the disabilities seem less taboo since they are now more openly talked about and explained.