Russia map 1

Timeline of Russia

  • May 18, 1200

    Mongols Conquer Kievan Rus

    Mongols Conquer Kievan Rus
    Mongol Tartars conguered Kievan Rus, by 1240 it was part of the mongol empire. Russian slavs move north and built Moscow in Muscovy.
  • Apr 18, 1462

    Ivan III became great prince

    Ivan III became great prince
    Ivan the III became the great prince of Muscovy.
  • Apr 18, 1480

    Ivan the III breaks from the Mongols

    Ivan the III breaks from the Mongols
    Ivan the III breaks from the Mongols. Then he declared himself czar.
  • Apr 18, 1547

    Ivan the IV declares himself czar

    Ivan the IV declares himself czar
    He had many victories ver the Mongols. He was a just ruler. When his wife died he became crazy. After that he was called Ivan the Terrible because of all the innocent people he killed. He even killed his own oldest son. He died in 1584. Many civil wars followed.
  • Peter Romanov becomes czar

    Peter Romanov becomes czar
    The Romanov family took control in 1613. He became Peter the Great because he expanded Russia and moderized Russia. He improved the army. Built schools and factories. He defeated the Swedes so Russia could have a port on the Baltic. He named this city St. Petersburg. He ruled until 1725.
  • Catherine the II became empress

    Catherine the II became empress
    Cathrine the II came to power in 1762 after her husband Peter the III was removed from the throne. She admired the culture of the west and encouraged writing, art, and music throughout Russia. She also made schools for girls and appointed women to high places. She also expanded the empire. She became known as Catherine the Great. Her reign ended in 1796.
  • French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Russia

    French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Russia
    The French tried to invad Russia. The Russian army burned all the villages in the French army's path and they burned Moscow so when the French got there they didn't have any supplies. There were also small Russian attacks all the time. The frezzing winter killed many so they were forced to retreat.
  • Serfs are freed

    Serfs are freed
    In 1861 Czar Alexander the II freed the serfs and modernized Russia's economy. He bulit railroads and industeries.
  • Nicholas II is over thrown

    Nicholas II is over thrown
    Nicholas II and his family are killed by the communists. They were buried in shallow graves. Nicholas II was the last czar of Russia.
  • Slavs settle Kiev

    Slavs settle Kiev
    Slavs settled the town of Kiev which became the civilization known as Kievan Rus.
  • Vikings settle Novgorod

    Vikings settle Novgorod
    Vikings landed in Russia in the 800s. They settled Novgorod then they set up trade routes on Russian rivers to the Byzantine empire.
  • Christianity is brought to Kievan Rus

    Christianity is brought to Kievan Rus
    Eastern Orthodox Christianity and written language is brought to Kievan Rus.