Timeline of Revenue Acts

  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    The Sugar act was put on the colonies April 5, 1764. This act put a three cent tax on foreign sugar along with increased taxes on coffee, Indigo, and certain wines. The colonies almost immediately replied with protest. The British did eventually lift this act.
  • Currency Act

    Currency Act
    September 1, 1764 the currency act was placed on the colonies so the British could control the money usage in the colonies. This act prevented the printing of ones ow money and making it so only gold and silver were used in the colonies. The colonists did protest against this act but the British held this act in place for many years.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    March 22, 1765 the Stamp act was created. This act required all people in the colonies to have a stamp on their papers like Court papers, Land Owning papers, Almanacs, and even Playing cards. But the stamps were not free they could cost 1-2400 pennies. This act made the colonies do violent protest against all tax collectors from Britain. The British eventually lifted this act but as the people of the colonies where celebrating the British made another act.
  • The Townshed act

    The Townshed act
    The Townshed act was originated by Charles Townshed and passed by the English Parliament soon after the repeal of the stamp act. This act was designed to collect money from the colonists from imports of glass, certain pain, and tea. The colonists ended up organized boycotts of British goods to pressure Parliament to repeal the Townshed Acts.
  • The Tea act

    The Tea act
    The tea act was the final act that the British put on the colonies in 1773. This act was not made to tax the colonies but to bring back up the East India company which was going downhill financially and suffering from 18 million pounds of unsold tea. But the colonists were fed up with taxation so the dumped there tea into the bay making the Boston tea party.