Timeline of Revenue Acts

  • Period: to

    French and Indian Wars

  • Sugar Act

    What it did: First direct tax on colonies. All legal documents must be on taxed paper. Newspaper, dice, and cards also taxed.
    Colony reaction: The act was "soundly thrashed in colonial assemblies". Tax collectors harassed.
    Government reaction: Repealed Stamp Act following year due to pressure by business-starved British merchants.
  • Revenue Act

    What it did: Set taxes on British goods.
    Colonists reaction: Smuggled tea. "No taxation without representation."
    Government reaction: It helped pay off the debt of the French Indian Wars...
  • Indemnity Act

    What it did: Removed taxes on British tea. (More Americans would buy this rather than smuggle Dutch tea).
    Colonists reaction: Still drank smuggled tea.
    Government reaction: ???
  • Commissioners of Customs Act

    What it did: Made new customs enforcement. Included new customs officials & tax collectors. Gave tax collectors to search ships and warehouses without official regulation.
    Colonists reaction: Outrage.
    Government reaction: ???
  • New York Restraining Act

    What it did: Threatened to suspend the New York Assembly unless the Quartering Act of 1765 was fully complied with.
    Colonists reaction: General disagreement.
    Government reaction: ???
  • Timeline created on Revenue Acts

    Ushistory.org. "The Stamp Act Controversy." Ushistory.org. Independence Hall Association, 2016. Link. Web. 22 Sept. 2016.. September 22, 2016. Alchin, Linda. "Townshend Acts." Colonial America. N.p., Apr. 2015. Link.Web. 22 Sept. 2016.