Timeline of Nicolas Martinez

  • Birth

    The day I came to this planet and have lived since that day on. Here is a Cohort because there are a lot of babies that were born in the 2000
  • Started School

    Started School
    Starting school is just a basic life event. Everybody goes through it. and during school there are bullies and there are crushes and playground shenanigans. Going to school we make friends and enemies but in the end of it all we learn who are true friends really are.
  • First Move

    First Move
    Life event. Ever since I was born I lived with my grandparents. In 2012 my family of four moved out to live on our own.
  • Divorce

    Trajectory. This was when my parents had split up. there were lots of role strain and role conflict here. Here was a time when I had to choose between my mom and my dad. I chose my dad and we had to move again which was a huge transition because I had to leave my friends and move somewhere new again.
  • Coming Out

    Coming Out
    The first time I came out was when I was 14. I came out as gay as I was identified as female at the time. But now I am identified as a transgender man and am in a heterosexual relationship. From this part in my life I have disregarded the society norms and roles and decided to be me and break the gender norms and roles as well. Coming out had a huge impact of role strain and role conflict due to school, work, and family.
  • Graduation

    Hope to graduate and work full time
  • Changes

    Started testosterone this February and complete surgeries in the future. Here is a life event and transition in my life. A life event that I have been waiting for since I was little and its going to be a big change to myself physically(transition).
  • Trips

    Would like to travel sometime and see the world
  • Marriage

    Hope one day i get to marry my best friend and have endless memories with her