may 12 2002
I was born may 12 of 2002 in Baghdad, Iraq. When i was born i weighed about 6-7 pounds. -
My first time moving to America
When I first moved to America I moved to Boise, Idaho For about 2 years. Then we decided to move to Anaheim, California where we have been living for about 11-12 years. -
When we finally moved into our apt. complex in Anaheim
When we finally moved into our apt. in Anaheim I remember wanting to go back home just to see my grandma. after a couple of days though I got used to it. To be honest it wasn't that bad, and I started enjoying my time. -
When we moved
We moved to a different apt. but stayed in the same complex because our neighbors flooded there apt. and our wall got soaked so we had to move. It wasn't so bad though, We only moved to the other side of the apartment complex. -
We got kicked out
As a little kid you tend to do stupid things, and when i was a Younger kid I did some stupid things and apparently i used to run on the plants a lot when i was playing with my friends and according to my mom that's y we got kicked out. -
We moved into a better apartment
We moved into a better apartment that was only a better apartment in my point of view, and yes its because i had my own room. Finally after having to share a room with my sister for years, I finally had my own room. -
I moved right next to my junior high school
When we moved to the apartment where i had my own room i didn't know it was gonna be right beside my junior high school. I was obviously surprised but at the same time it made going and coming to and from school easy. My school was only 1-2 minutes walking and my mom didn't have to waste gas everyday. -
Then High School came
When i started to go to high school i started at magnolia high school. It was farther but just down the street it wasn't that far yet i managed to be late more times than i can count. My grades weren't the best, But i still passed PE, And one year of math. -
Failed transfer
My credits were really low so when i tried to transfer to La Quinta they sent me to hare high school which isn't to bad. I've passed almost all my classes this quarter, Except for my English class which i don't even know if i passed or not. -
Moved again
After Anaheim my mom decided to move us to Westminster because it was cheaper. I no longer had my own room anymore but instead my sister did. -
Being stupid
Last Friday i was trying to sell a vape as any idiot would and i got cought. It was a stupid thing i did bringing it to school let alone having it in the first place. I got one day in asc for 1 day.