2019 10 21 04.27.09

Timeline of my life

  • Birth

    I was born on november 20, 2000 in medellin.
  • birth my sister

    birth my sister
    My sister was born in 2002 she is very important to me, she have always had good relationship has been for me and me for her in my best memories she has always been giving me her unconditional support.
  • My graduation

    My graduation
    I gratuated in november 2017, it was a very important for me because i left high school and new and good things were on the way for me it was a happy day with a great celebration accompanied by family and friends.
  • university

    I went to university in january 2018, it was a good experence for me since i study something that i like and it has many exits. Ithas been in extraurdnary process to turn things on every day so they fill me with happiness.
  • My dog

    My dog
    When i adopted my beloved dog i was a very happy day for me, i was january 2019, i was dedicated to getting home to street dogs and i had never been able to stay with one until i manager to convince my parents to adopt one from i arrive gladly, all my days i really love him very much.