Jun 8, 632
Muhammed dies
Jun 23, 632
Abu Bakr Comes To Power
The first of four Caliphs comes to power.
Bakr was very close to Muhammed and was an early convert to Islam.
Some members of the Arab tribe left when he came to power, because they had only pledged loyalty to Muhammed.
Using his wisdom, Bakr unites Arabia
Started the Ghazu raids to help bring his people together. -
Jan 23, 634
Caliph Umar Ibn Al-Khattab rises to power
Umar raised the number of raids, even though Muhammed did not believe in raids.
They encounter much resistance in the Byzantine Empire.
Umar is stabbed to death in 644 by an angry Persian prisioner. -
Jan 23, 644
Caliph Uthman ibn Affan
Uthman married one of Muhammed's daughters.
Throughout his ruling period, he gains more territory.
In 656, tensions rise in the community and he is assisanated. -
Jan 23, 656
Caliph Ali Rises to Power
Ali is married to Fatima, Muhammed's daughter.
During his reign, a civil war breaks out, which they called Fitnah (time of temptation).
The people in Syria do not accept his rule.
Murdered in the year 661. -
Jan 23, 661
Umayyad Dynasty
They turned the Muslim leadership position into an inherited position. They moved the center of the Empire to Damascus, because it was more central. They had a lavish court life and relied on local leaders to lead the people. -
Jan 23, 732
Battle of Tours
By this time, the Muslims will have taken over much land, that includes Syria, Palestine, Persia, Egypt, North Africa, and Spain.
In the Battle of Tours, they are trying to advance into France, but the French defensive line held and they could not break through. -
Jan 23, 750
Abbassid Dynasty
The Abbassid slaughtered all of the Umayyads at a banquet. The leader now changes from Arabs to Northern groups.They make a new capital in Baghdad, Iraq. Their culture is heavily influenced by Persian traditions. They have a vast collection of poets, scholars, entertainers, and builders. -
Jan 23, 1095
Pope Urban II calls for the crusades to aid the Byzantine Empire. They continue past the Byzantine into the Holy land, where there is Muslim occupation, and try to win it back for the Christians. -
Jan 23, 1216
Mongols Arrive in the Middle East
Mongols make their way out of Mongolia and begin to take over the Muslim Empire -
Jan 23, 1258
Muslim Empire falls to the Mongols
Mongols make their way into Baghdad and take over the capital city. They adopt Islam as their religion, but the unity of the people starts to fall away. -
Harun al-Rashid
Harun was the Caliph of Baghdad. He was a great and powerful leader. He was a monarch and though himeself higher than ordinary people. Whenever someone would come into his prescence, they had to kiss the ground before his feet. This was unthinkable in their society, becuase one should bow to no one but God. -
Decline of the Abbassid Dynasty