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Mexican Independence
was an armed conflict, and the culmination of a political and social process which ended the rule of Spain in 1821 in the territory of New Spain. -
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Fist Empire
only former colony of the Spanish Empire to establish a monarchy after independence. It existed from the signing of the Treaty of Córdoba in 1821 until the emperor's abdication in 1823 and the proclamation of the Federal Republic in 1824. -
Casa Mata plan
was formulated to abolish the monarchy in Mexico and to establish a republic. -
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The Triumvirate
On March 31, 1823, Constituent Congress appointed a triumvirate consisting by Nicolás Bravo, Guadalupe Victoria and Pedro Celestino Negrete to lead the nation, this organization was named Supreme Executive Power. -
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Lucas Alamán
Alamán returned to the post of Minister of Interior and Exterior Relations in 1830–1832 under the Bustamante government. -
Liberal Constitution of 1824
was enacted on October 4 of 1824, after the overthrow of the Mexican Empire of Agustin de Iturbide. In the new constitution, the republic took the name of United Mexican States, and was defined as a representative federal republic, with Catholicism as the official and unique religion. -
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First Federal Republic in Mexico
When Guadalupe Victoria was followed in office by Vicente Guerrero, who won the electoral but lost the popular vote, the Conservative Party saw an opportunity to seize control and led a coup under Anastasio Bustamante, who served as president from 1830 to 1832, and again from 1837 to 1841. -
Liberal Reforms of 1833
Gómez Farías considering that for the country's progress was necessary that the government needed to be outside the influence of the clergy and conservative elements, he dictated the laws that were to transform social and political conditions of the country. -
The Seven Laws
were a series of constitutional instruments that fundamentally altered the organizational structure of the young first Mexican Republic. They were enacted under President Antonio López de Santa Anna on 15 December 1835 to centralize and strengthen the federal government at a time when the very independence of Mexico was in question. -
Texas Independence
is the celebration of the adoption of the Texas Declaration of Independence on March 2, 1836. With this document signed by 59 people, settlers in Mexican Texas officially declared independence from Mexico and created the Republic of Texas. -
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Santa Anna and the Central Republic
The central republic was thus set up in 1835, but once again civil strife, economic stagnation, and military coups prevailed until 1846. -
Secession of the Yucatan Peninsula
Yucatán seceded with help from Texan naval forces -
First French Intervention (Pastry War)
Iturbide became emperor in 1822, he was called “Agustin I”. His empire was a bad simulation of the Spanish monarchy. -
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The Organic Bases
two different organic bases that modified the Constitutuon of 1835
a) 1841 Tacubaya- federal regime
b) central regime led by Santa Anna -
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US invasion of Mexico
Mexico had not recognized the Independence of Texas. Mexican troops in Texas caused the US to declare war. -
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
it bought an official end to the Mexican-American war in favor of the United States. The treaty added an additional 525, 000 square miles to U.S territory. -
Santa Anna Dictatorship
his dedication to the ideal of a democratic role proved weak, though, and he proclaimed himself dictator. His assumption of dictatorial power over Mexico brought him into direct conflict with a growing movement for Independence in the Mexican state if Texas. -
The Ayutla Revolution
the Plan aimed at removing the dictator but also convening a constituent assembly in order to draft a federal constitution. -
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Reforma Laws and New Constitution
on February 5,1857 a new Constitution was promulgated:
a) Federal Republic
b) Individual guarantees: liberty, property.
c) Recognized Catholicism, but allowed for religous tolerance. -
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Reforma War (liberals vs. conservatives)
The liberal Constitution caused disagreement among the conservative groups (church, military, landowners). Ignacio Comonfort pacted the cancellation of the Constitution (Tacubaya Plan). Juarez fights to defend the Constitution. -
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The Restored Republic (Juárez)
Period in which Juarez gets back to power until Porfirio Diaz becomes President -
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Second French Intervention
Juarez won the Reform War; he suspended all the debt payments; Spain, UK and France landed in Veracruz; in 1863 The French took Mexico City, Juarez exiled in El Paso and Chihuahua -
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Second Empire (Maximimlian I)
The conservatives negociated with the Vatican and France the creation of a European Monarchy in Mexico. In 1864 Maximilian of Habsburg was declared Emperor of Mexico, supported by the French troops of Napoleon III. -
Noria Plan (Díaz)
In the 1871 elections, Juarez didn’t obtain a clear majority against Lerdo de Tejada and Porfirio Diaz, Diaz started an uprising (Noria Plan) but he was defeated. -
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Porfirio Diáz Regime
In 1875 Lerdo de Tejada won the elections, but Jose Maria Iglesias and Porfirio Diaz denounced fraud. Then Diaz takes power through the Tuxteoec Plan.