Period: 1750 BCE to 1917 BCE
timespan of Latin American Revolutions
Haitian Revolution
Slaves initiated this revolution in 1791 as a result of a long struggle with slavery in the French colony St. Domingue. By 1803 they had succeeded in ending not only slavery but French control over the colony as well. -
Period: to
Mexican and Central American Independence
During the early 1800's, the people of Mexico also fought for independence from Spain. Both liberal and conservative groups united against Spain. In 1821, Augustin de Iturbide declaredMexico an independent state. Spain had few remaining supporters, forcing them to recognize Mexico's newfound independence. Inspired by Mexico's example, creoles in Central America declared their independence from Spain in 1821. -
Brazil Gains Independence
After the defeat of Napoleon in 1821, the Portuguese king returned home. But he left his son, Prince Pedro, in charge of Brazil. The creoles asked Prince Pedro to declare Brazil Independent. They offered to make him ruler of the new nation. In 1822 , Pedro was proclaimed Emperor Pedro I. He agreed to accept a constitution that provided freedom of the press and religion as well as an elected legislature. By 1825, most colonies in Latin America had thrown out European Rule. -
The Spanish-American War
In 1898, Cuba and Puerto Rico were still Spanish colonies. Cuban rebels were fighting for independence. In April of 1898, the Unites States recognized Cuban Independence, and Spain declared War.
The U.S won quick victories in the Caribbean and the Pacific. In December Spain agreed to a peace treaty, giving the U.S control of Puerto Rico as well as the Philippines and Guam in the Pacific. -
Panama Canal
The U.S wanted to move its fleet easily between the Atlantic and Pacific without making the voyage around South America. They proposed building a canal through Panama, which belonged to Colombia. Colombia refused to grant the U.S the right to build it, afraid to lose control of the region. In 1903, the U.S encouraged Panama to revolt against Colombia, the rebels won Independence for Panama. Allowing them to sign an agreement allowing the U.S to build the canal and eventually use it in 1914.