Jethro Tull invents the mechanical seed drill
Thomas Newcomen builds the first commercially successful steam engine
John Kay invents the flying shuttle, which speeds up the weaving process
The bridgewater Canal, designed by James Brindley, opens near Manchester, England, to connect the coalmines to the city
James Hargreaves invents the spinning jenny
Scottish engineer James Watt improves the steam engine to help the powering of machinery
The first steam powered mills open
The steam powered loom is invented by Edmund Catwright
The cast-iron plowshare is invented in England
Eli Whitney develops the cotton gin, a mechanical device for removing seeds from cotton
British doctor Edward Jenner develops a vaccination against smallpox
Eli Whitney uses an assembly line to mass produce muskets for the US Army
Richard Trevithick builds the first steam locomotive
Scottish engineer John McAdam makes the first paved roads, using crushed stone
A canal for ocean-going ships connects the English city of Exeter with the sea
The worlds first commercial railroad opens between Stockton and Darlington in England
Britain's Factory Act restricts the use of children in industry
The combine harvester is invented
Isambard Kingdom Brunel's iron steamship 'Great Western' becomes the first vessel to run regular transatlantic passenger services
Labor laws in Britain forbid women from working underground in coal mines
German political thinkers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels write the Communist Manifesto urging a workers' revolution
In England, Henry Bessemer invents a process for making steel more efficiently and cheaply
The first telegraph cable to be laid across the Atlantic
The Trade Union Act recognizes unions by law
Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone