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timeline of Indian Independence

  • Period: to

    timeline of Indian Independence

  • August 1858

    August 1858
    In August, the government of India acts 1858, the company was formally dissolved and its ruling powers over India were transferred to the british Crown.
    The picture shows the battle that led to the british having control over India.
  • December 1916

    December 1916
    December 1916 Lucknow Pact was an agreement reached between the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, then a member of the Congress as well as the League, made both the parties reach an agreement to pressure the British government to adopt a more liberal approach to India and give Indians more authority to run their country. This is what Muhammad Ali Jinnah looked like at the time India and Pakistan gained their independence.
  • 13. April 1919

    13 April 1919 The tragic Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place on April 13. This event in which Brigadier-General Reginald E.H. Dyer ordered indiscriminate firing at a crowd including women and children, killing hundreds of them, caused much resentment and anger among the people and led to the Non-Cooperation Movement.
  • August-december 1920

    August-december 1920
    Gandhi's emergence on the Indian political scenario inaugurated the third phase of Indian Nationalism, during which the country witnessed the launch of a number of nationalist movements under his leadership. The Non-Cooperation Movement was a significant phase of the Indian struggle for freedom. Protestors would refuse to buy British goods, adopt the use of local handicrafts, picket liquor shops, and try to uphold the Indian values of honor and integrity. G
  • 2 august 1935

    The Government of India Act and the creation of a new constitution laid the foundations for the events that would follow in the next decade and thereafter. This Act established a “Federation of India" made up and Indian states which might acceed to be united. If this were to happen, the Federation was voluntary and the Federation c&uld not be established until two things happened.1.A number of states, the rulers where off were entitled to choose not less than alf of the104 seats.
  • August-December 1940

    August-December 1940
    August-December 1940 England's involvement in the Second World War weakened the British Empire. After shaking off the effects of the First World War this war caused the thinning of the British resoutces and would be significant in deciding India's future. One of the effects to the British and India after WWI was the spanish flu epidemic.
  • 8 August 1942

    The Quit India movement called for the immediate withdrawal of the British from India and the British responded by putting most of the INC leadership in jail. The movement was accompanied by a mass protest on non-violent lines, in which Gandhi called for "an orderly British withdrawal from India". Through his passionate speeches, Gandhi moved people by proclaiming "every Indian who desires freedom and strives for it must be his own guide.
  • 26 July 1945

    26 July 1945 World War II ends and the Labor Party, which is sympathetic to India call for independence, forms the government. Talks to devise a constitution were held, but ended in stalemate. Jinnah, the leader of the Muslim League, felt his people were being marginalized and resorted to direct action. Muslim demonstrations in Calcutta degenerated into attacks on Hindus; the Hindus retaliated, and within three days, 5,000 had died, spreading the violence to cities across India.
  • 15 August 1947

    15 August 1947
    15 August 1947 Muhammad Ali Jinnah sworn in as Governor-General of Pakistan. Louis Mountbatten sworn in as Governor-General of India. Inde Day Celebrations in Delhi. This picture represents the 70th anniversary of India's Independence
  • 28 December 1985

    28 December 1985 The Indian National Congress (also known as the Congress Party/INC) was created and became India's major political party In its initial days, the party was not formed to demand independence from British rule. It was rather set up to bring together a group of educated individuals on a common platform to influence policy making. Soon the party became the Nation's leader in the Independence Movement in its struggle against the British Empire.