Timeline of Important Events in Gifted Education

  • First gifted school in America opens in Worcester, MA

    First gifted school in America opens in Worcester, MA
  • Period: to

    Selected timeline of gifted events

  • Lewis Terman publishes the Stanford-Binet testing scale for determining giftedness

    Lewis Terman publishes the Stanford-Binet testing scale for determining giftedness
  • Leta Hollingworth, a woman very involved in the gifted student community, publishes the first textbook on gifted children, entitled "Gifted Children: Their Nature and Nurture"

    Leta Hollingworth, a woman very involved in the gifted student community, publishes the first textbook on gifted children, entitled "Gifted Children: Their Nature and Nurture"
  • The federal government recognizes the gifted learning community through passage of the National Defense Education Act

    The federal government recognizes the gifted learning community through passage of the National Defense Education Act
  • The U.S. Office of Education formally and officially acknowledges the Office of the Gifted and Talented

    The U.S. Office of Education formally and officially acknowledges the Office of the Gifted and Talented
  • The U.S. Department of Education publishes its case for how and why America neglects the gifted, and how to cater to gifted learning

    The U.S. Department of Education publishes its case for how and why America neglects the gifted, and how to cater to gifted learning