Gifted brain

Timeline of Gifted Education by PatrickShanahan

  • Binet and Simon

    Binet and Simon
    French researchers, Binet and Simon, develop a series of tests (Binet-Simon) to identify children of inferior intelligence for the purpose of separating them from normally functioning children for placement in special classrooms. Their notion of mental age revolutionizes the science of psychological testing by capturing intelligence in a single numerical outcome.
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  • Binet and Simon Importance

    This event stands out not only because it's the first real and valid way to measure whether or not someone is gifted but the fact that it's still in part used today shows it's raw endurance.
  • Terman Publishes Stanford-Binet

    Terman Publishes Stanford-Binet
    Lewis Terman, the “father” of the gifted education movement, publishes the Stanford-Binet, forever changing intelligence testing and the face of American education. Info - Photo-
  • Stanford-Binet Importance

    This is a landmark in that a test could now be used, in the United
    States, giving hard data in showing a students exceptional abilities as opposed to heredity or just simple observation.
  • National Association of Gifted Children Founded

    National Association of Gifted Children Founded
    The National Association of Gifted Children is founded under the leadership of Ann Isaacs. Info and Photo-
  • National Association of Gifted Children Importance

    This organization gives legitimacy to the gifted movement and serves as an intersection for parents, teachers, students, researchers and policy makers when looking for insight into the world of the gifted.
  • Sputnik is Launched

    Sputnik is Launched
    The Soviet Union launches Sputnik, sparking the United States to reexamine its human capital and quality of American schooling particularly in mathematics and science. As a result, substantial amounts of money pour into identifying the brightest and talented students who would best profit from advanced math, science, and technology programming.
  • Sputnik Importance

    Competition often ends up being the driver of change and innovation. This was the realization point for policy and decision makers what a valuable asset gifted students are to the country.
  • The Marland Report

    The Marland Report-The first formal definition is issued encouraging schools to define giftedness broadly, along with academic and intellectual talent the definition includes leadership ability, visual and performing arts, creative or productive thinking, and psychomotor ability. Info-
  • Marland Report Importance

    The Marland Report to Congress introduces the definition of giftedness and encourages schools and districts to do the same creating validity through the school systems of the United States.
  • Gifted Program Standards Published

    NAGC publishes Pre-K-Grade 12 Gifted Program Standards to provide guidance in seven key areas for programs serving gifted and talented students Info-
  • Standards Importance

    Creating a set of standards to serve as a framework allows school boards and school administrators gain an insight and road map to allow them to further progress gifted education.