Timeline of Gifted Education

  • Lewis Terman forever changes intelligance testing

    Lewis Terman forever changes intelligance testing
    Terman publishes Standford-Binet which changes intelligence testing and American education
  • Genetic Studies of Genius

    Genetic Studies of Genius
    Terman publishes this to explain the traits of the gifted and talented student. Many of the traits in this first volume are still used to identify gifted and talent students today.
  • Leta Hollingworth

    Leta Hollingworth
    Leta publishes Gifted Children: Their Nature and Nurture. This is the first textbook on gifted education.
  • National Excellence The Case for Developing America's Talent

    National Excellence  The Case for Developing America's Talent
    Issued by the US Dept of Education and it explains how we as a nation are neglecting gifted and taleted youth. A number of recommendations are made that influence research in the field of gifted education.
  • NCLB

    NCLB redefines the definition of the gifted and talented student: Students, children or youth who give evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artisitc, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields & who need services and activities not ordinarily provided by the shcool in order to fully develop those capabilities. My question is...where is the funding?
  • National Gifted Education Standards

    National Gifted Education Standards
    NAGC publishes knowledge & skill standards in gifted education for all teachers. This is important because it is a guideline for educators. Now we need to get the community to understand the needs and what those guidelines are so that these children aren't missed.