Timeline of Events

  • Equatoriana's Previous Retaliatory Tariff

    Once before a Prime Minister from the National Party, which is more critical to free trade, took retaliatory measures against a third state [NoA, p. 7, §19].
  • Claimant takes on High Interest Loans

    To be used for financing new stables and restructuring measures [PO2, p. 59, §29].
  • Claimant makes Agreement with its Creditors

    They agreed on restructuring measures. The prolongation of the two main credit lines depended on being profitable in 2017 and 2018. That plan would be seriously endangered if Claimant had to bear the 1.250.000 USD [PO2, p. 59, §29].
  • Claimant's Danubian Deal

    Claimant sold three mares DDP to farms in Danubia. Additional health and safety requirements and quarantine time increased the value of the contract from $8,000,000 USD to 11,200,000 USD (by 3,200,000) or by 40% [PO2, p. 58, §21].
  • Mediterraneo's Presidential Elections

    Mediterraneo's future president announces he would be running with a more protectionist approach even though Mediterraneo had always been a proponent of free trade [Ex C6, p.15].
  • Breeding Season Starts

    [PO2, p. 56, §11].
  • Nijinsky III was last tested

    [Ex C5, p.14, cl. 4].
  • Respondent Inquires about Doses

    [Ex C1, p. 9].
  • Claimant's First Offer

    [Ex C2, p. 10].
  • Respondent Requests DDP

    [Ex C3, p. 11].
  • Claimant is Concerned about DDP

    [Ex C4, p. 12].
  • First Draft of the Dispute Resolution Clause

    [Ex R1, p. 33].
  • Claimant Responds to Frist Draft

    [Ex R2, p. 34].
  • Antley's Last Note and the Car Accident

    [Ex R3, p. 35].
  • New Mediterraneo President is Elected

    [PO2, p. 58, §23].
  • New Superminister for Agriculture, Trade and Economics

    Ms. Cecil Frankel, one of the most ardent critics of free trade, is appointed the new president's “superminister” for agriculture, trade and economics [PO2, p. 58, §23].
  • Sales Agreement Executed

    [Ex C5, p. 13].
  • Respondent Made First Payment of 5,000,000 USD

    [Ex C5, p. 14, cl. 6].
  • First 25 Doses were Delivered

    [NoA, p. 6, §9].
  • Breeding Season Ends

    [PO2, p. 56, §11].
  • Second 25 Doses were Delivered

    [NoA, p. 6, §9].
  • Shoemaker Becomes Responsible for the Breeding Program

    [Ex R4, p. 36]. Claimant is introduced to Shoemaker as the head of the breeding program some time in November [PO2, p. 59, §32].
  • Mediterraneo's 25% Tariff Becomes Effective

    It was announced only days before [PO2, p. 58, §23]. This is the first time there had been tariffs imposed on agricultural goods (and horse semen) in Mediterraneo or Equitoriana [PO2, p. 58, §25].
  • Equatoriana Announced its 30% Tariffs

    [PO2, p. 58, §25].
  • World Business Article is Published

    [Ex C6, p. 15]. Both parties read the article [PO2, p. 58, §26].
  • Equatoriana's 30% Tariffs take Effect

    [PO2, p. 58, §25].
  • Claimant Asks for Customs Clearence

    [PO2, p. 58, §26].
  • Claimant Learns of the Tariffs

    Claimant receives the information that morning and tries to call Respondent then sends an email [PO2, p. 58, §26; Ex C6, p. 16]. After receiving the email, Shoemaker looks into Customs [Ex R4, p. 36]. Some time before 21 January, Respondent initiates final payment [Ex C8, p. 18, §2]. Final payment was due by 21 January 2018 [Ex C5, p. 14, cl. 6].
  • Shoemaker Calls Respondent about the Tariffs

    [Ex C8, p. 18].
  • When the Last Shipment was Originally Scheduled to Go Out

    [Ex C7, p. 16, §2].
  • When the Last Shipment was to be Made

    [Ex C5, p.14, cl. 8].
  • Respondent Needed Additional Doses by Now for Resale

    [PO2, p. 56, §§11, 33].
  • Claimant is Approached about Respondent Reselling

    [PO2, p. 57, §20].
  • Renegotiations

    The meeting took place in a hotel in Equatoriana [PO2, p. 60, §35]. Respondent's CEO stormed out after accusing Claimant of having additional requests with no basis in the contract [Ex C8, p. 18, §4].
  • Breeding Season Starts

    [PO2, p. 56, §11].
  • Breeding Season Ends

    [PO2, p. 56, §11].
  • Partial Interim Award Rendered in Respondent's Other Arbitration

    An award on the merits is expected in August 2019 [PO2, p. 60, §39].
  • Claimant Tells the Tribunal about Respondent's Other Arbitration

    [p. 50, §2]. Claimant learned of the other proceeding at the annual breeder conference from a man who had been working for the Mediterranean buyer in the other proceeding until 30 May 2018 [PO2, p. 60, §40].
  • Respondent Objects to Claimant's Allegations

    [p. 51, §1].