Jul 17, 1050
Hero's Contribution
A Greek engineer was named the Hero of Alexandria, because he designed the first steam engine. It was called the reaction turbine and was very primitive. It is most related to a modern turbine. -
Designed the first heat engine using pistons. Papin also discovered the power of vacuums and how to take advantage of them. He had a system of heating and cooling to create these vaccumes. -
Invented the first steam powered pump to remove water from mines, but could not transport water high distances. This is most related to a modern pumpjack. -
Newcomen improved upon Savery's engine by making the mechanism more efficient. Was the first type of engine to involve a pivoting beam connected to a mine pump. This resembles a pumpjack and used pistons. -
Watt further improved upon the Newcomen engine by making it three times more efficient. The Watt engine dominated the market for over 100 years, because it was so much more efficient. This device resembles a pumpjack and piston