Letter Arived
It was a rainy day and i just got off form my job at the mine and i went home to my small home apon arivving i was grabbed by the post man saying he had a letter from my brother the letter said that i should come to america and see him it told me his adress in callifornia and a map on how i can find him also there was a sheet of questions saying READ THESE IF YOU WANT THREW ELLIS ISLAND REMEMBER THESE! -
i choise to start a new year out freasha nd i brought a ticket on a boat that whould brong me to ellis island it took a large amont of my money bt lckly my brother ahd pt money for a horse and wagoon in the letter -
Ellis Island
I arrived in ellis island after a long time and was greeted horibaly i had studied the questions throuhly but i was still scared i whould failluckly i passed threw ellis island with flying colors and was off to america -
Cold Welcome
apon ariving in america i rent an apartment and peraire to set out for my brothers farm in the morning but my the apartment owner is shot and killed in the night by someone who thinks he was ripped off and i am forced to leave -
Drop Out
i spend the next year going from job to job trying to find a steady way of making but failing beacues mineing was the only thing i knew and there went any jobs for mineing here one day i see a man set out on a horse and i thnk why now storm season is gona stat soon hes crazy i thought -
Picking Up My Self
A man asks me if i want to help him on a adventure to map the west says he will pay me for it i agree with him and we set out -
The Attack
Our camp is attaked by natives and many of us are killed i escaped with a gunshot wond in my shoulder i took one of our horses and road in the opissite direction of the attack i was dioriented and tired -
The Help
I was saved by a man who had won some land in one of the land races and said he found me in his field he helped me to my feet and fixed my sholder and then i used all the money i had left to buy a horse and a map to my brothers field -
The Stranger
on my way to my brothers farm i meet the mexican man who i saw road out on horse back so long ago he was lying on the ground stone cold i pored water on his head and he shot back up and attacked me i told him i was here to help after icalmed him down he asked me if i could give him a ride to california and i said sure i was going there anyways to find my brother -
The Town
I passed the farm that i knew was my brothers but i dident see my brother but it was late i passed it by knowing it whould still be there when i came back and droped the man off at town -
The Fire
After the man thanked me i went on my way sadly apon arriving at my brothers farm i found nothing more than a ahes i ran inside the house and found 2 burnt bodys i knew who they were my borther and his wife that night i slept under the stars thinking about what i whould do now -
The Child
apon waking in the mornign i heard a girl crying i went over to see who it was she was 7 years old crying and huging the dead bodys i asked he who she was and she said Kait Sawyer i told he i was her ncle Desmond Sawyer she said my brother had told he all about me i said if she wanted she could stay wiht me and so i filled out the leagle forms and adoped her -
The Man
i was bettwen jobs trying to support my brothers child and i was failing i was running out f money and was goinf to lose my house soon but then i ran back in to the mexican i had givin a ride he said he could give me a job at his mine as a minner and so i went with him and built a house and had satble job and a place to rais kait -
The Italin
a italin man approched me today he asked me if i worked at the mine i said yes he than put a gun to my head and showed me a picture of a man and isked me if ied seen hime i sasid i hadent at that secound kait walked in the man looked at her i told kait to run she ran out of the my room i say ill ask the owner of the mine if i saw anything i than grabbed my gun and put nit to his had i told him i dont know who he is lokking for and that he needs to leave and never come back -
The Death Of Deasmond Sawyer
I die of old age but i am happy beacues i was able to live long enough to see kait grow up and give me grand children a boy and a girl named Jack and Juliet