Timeline of Dentistry

  • 5000 BCE

    Cause of Dental Decay

    A Sumerian text of this date describes “tooth worms” as the cause of dental decay.
  • 1700 BCE

    Toothache remidies

    An Egyptian text, the Ebers Papyrus, refers to diseases of the teeth and various toothache remedies
  • 500 BCE

    Greek dentistry

    Hippocrates and Aristotle write about dentistry, including the eruption pattern of teeth, treating decayed teeth and gum disease, extracting teeth with forceps, and using wires to stabilize loose teeth and fractured jaws
  • 204

    Using Gold Crowns

    The Etruscans practice dental prosthetics using gold crowns and fixed bridgework.
  • Modern dentisrty

    Modern dentisrty
    Pierre Fauchard becomes "Father of Modern dentistry"
  • Dental assistant

    C. Edmund Kells employes the first dental assistant
  • X-rays

    W.C Roentgen discovers X-rays
  • Women history

    Women history
    Irene Newman is the first dental hygienists.
  • Ohio dental history

    Ohio dental history
    OMU merges with Straling- Ohio Medical College.
  • Dental Assistants

    Dental Assisting National Board is founded.
  • African American history

    African American history
    Van E. Collins was the first African-American dentist in regular military service to be promoted to the rank of colonel.
  • OSHA

    Congress creats OSHA
  • first tooth lost

    When I was 6 I lost my first tooth.
  • First tooth pulled

    Baby tooth pulled from adult tooth from growing behind. tooth #7
  • First tooth restoration

    Root canal or tooth 8. From getting elbowed in mouth during a basketball game.
  • Root Canal

    Root canal on tooth 9 from another basketball injury, got hit in mouth during practices.