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Timeline of Bullying

  • First Use Of Bullying In Iteracy Work

    First Use Of Bullying In Iteracy Work
    Children have been singled out and harassed since the beginning of time.
  • Period: to

    Origin of Bullying

  • First Report Of Bullying

    First report of a bullying victim turning violent and shooting his tormenter was also a soldier. The story of John Flood was detailed in an article in The Times (London) in August of 1862. Flood had been the victim of “long, malignant and systematic bullying”. Flood was convicted and sentenced to death but because he was known to be a man of kindly disposition by everyone he came in contact with his sentence was overturned by the Queen.
  • First Characterizing Of Bullying Behavior

    Bullying behavior was first characterized as part of the experience of children in an 1897 article entitled “Teasing and Bullying” published by Burk in the Pedagogical Seminary. The article sought to expose behaviors of tormenters and victims, and provided strikingly horrific examples of victimization among children.
  • First Bullying Research

    In the early 1970s, Dr. Dan Olweus initiated the world's first systematic bullying research.
  • First Proposition Of Anti-Bullying Law

    Dr. Dan Olweus has long seen school safety as a fundamental human right.1 As early as 1981, he proposed enacting a law against bullying in schools so students could be spared the repeated humiliation implied in bullying.
  • Columbine

    On April 20th 1999, two teenage boys who had been relentlessly bullied brought 50 bombs to school, and then went on a shooting spree wounding twenty-three, fatally shooting thirteen, and taking their own lives.
  • Cyber Bullying

    Cyber Bullying
    With the increase of access to the internet and cell phone us cyber bullying has become an epidemic among teenagers in school. Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person. By definition, it occurs among young people.
  • Statistic On Bullying

    In 2001, The Journal of the American Medical Association reported that more than 160,000 students skip school every day because they are anxious and fearful of being bullied by other students. School is supposed to be a safe haven where learning takes place not where a student has to defend themselves from peers because of differences.
  • School Shooting Statistics

    School Shooting Statistics
    In 2002, a report released by the U.S. Secret Service and the Department of Education concluded that bullying played a significant role in many school shootings.
  • Cyber Bullying Leads To Teen’s Suicide

    Ryan Halligan was bullied so relentlessly at school, he finally learned kickboxing to defend himself from the physical assaults. But when the attacks moved online, he had no way to fight back, and no refuge. October 2003, Ryan hanged himself in his family's bathroom. He was 13 years old.
  • Federal Las Passed Against Cyber Bullying

    In January 2006, the US Congress passed a law making it a federal crime to “annoy, abuse, threaten or harass” another person over the internet.
  • Cyber Bullying Law Passed

    One of the first cyberbullying laws is passed in California; Assembly Bill 86 2008 gives school administrators the authority to discipline students for bullying others offline or online.
  • Megan’s Law Proposed

    Megan’s Law Proposed
    Introduced. Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act - Amends the federal criminal code to impose criminal penalties on anyone who transmits in interstate or foreign commerce a communication intended to coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial emotional distress to another person, using electronic means to support severe, repeated, and hostile behavior.
  • Bully Prevention Conference

    The President and First Lady Michelle Obama discuss how we can all work together to end bullying as an accepted practice and create a safer environment for our kids to grow up in. March 10, 2011.
  • National Day Of Action Against Bullying And Violence

    On Friday 16 March 2012 schools throughout Australia will join together to celebrate the annual National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. The focus of the 2012 day will be on parents and families taking a stand together with school communities and recognizing the important role everyone plays.