timeline of brain development

  • 0-3 Months - Neurogenesis and Synaptogenesis

    Most neurons are already present, but the synapses are rapidly forming.
  • 0-3 Months- Primitive reflexes and Myelination

    Reflexing like sucking and grasping are active. Myelination starts in sensory and motor pathways, leading to movement coordination.
  • 0-3 Months - Sensory Development

    Newborns begin refining their senses. Visual and auditory pathways begin forming synapses.
  • 4-6 Months- Synaptogenesis Continues and Sensory Integrationntegration

    The brain develops more complex neural circuits. Vison sharpens and hearing improves
  • 4-6 Months Social Interaction

    Brain starts responding to social stimuli and develop emotional connections
  • 7-9 Months- Memory development and Object permanence

    The hippocampus becomes more active, and babies start recognizing familiar objects. They gain ability to understand objects exist because of the frontal lobe developing
  • 10-12 Months Synaptic pruning and Problem-solving

    The brain eliminates unused neural connections. The frontal lobe continues developing which allows babies to engage in simple problem solving
  • 13-15 Months Exploration and Curiosity

    Toddlers curious about their environment due to their developing prefrontal cortex
  • 16-20 Imitation and Learning

    Imitative learning becomes more pronounced as toddlers begin mimicking actions and words
  • 21-24 Final stage

    21-24 Final stage
    Brain reaches about 80% of its adult size. Toddlers show signs of executive functioning such as impulse control, planning, and problem solving. They also develop things like empathy, and emotion regulation.