Enabling Act
When Hitler was being elected the government thought they could sort of control him but they failed. Ever since he was in charge he knew he wanted to get rid of the jews except he had enough scence to not do it at one time. He had to be able to take all control of Germany but the law could attempt to stop it. When the laws got in his way he changed them. Within two months he suspended all public and rights speeches. -
Jewish Boycott
This is when Adolf Hitler called a boycott to all Jewish run stores in Germany. The Nazis said they needed to control things but really they blamed them for the "atrocity propaganda". They boycott gained alot of publicity from posters, announcements in newspapers, and demonstrations. One included "If you buy from them you are a trader". Even though it lasted one day it gained alot of attention all around the world. To make the people aware they wrote the word Jude on the store windows. -
Nazi Pickets
This is where people would hold up signs saying motos and other propaganda to tell people to not buy from Jew owned stores. -
Aryan Law
Now, Individual attacks on jews, jewish homes, and jewish synogauges etc. began. New laws were made and non-aryans were not able to be in civil service. This is the first Anti- Jewish law that was past also known as the restoration of the civil services. -
Berlin Book Burning
By the end of the year Jews were affected in all professions. Later Berlin University got the german fever and decided to burn about 70,000 of their books.Intellectualism was now gone and that is how Hitler liked it. The picture is Berlin students saluting Hitler while burning the books -
Nuremberg Laws
This is the date when the Nuremberg Laws were made. One was that marrige with a Jew and a German were forbidden. Another was Jews were not allowed to display German flags or colors. Also no Jew has the right to hold a place in any or vote for a political purpose. Once a Jewish man was dieing and a German gave him blood to save his life so he was scentenced
bout 17 months in a concentration camp for polluting his own blood. This picture is a concentration you could be sent to when breaking a law. -
Law #174 - Jewish name change.
If a store was owned by a Jew you had to be registered with the government. They say this was the first to end their buisiness. If their name could not be easily recognized they had to have Sarah or Israel as their middle name. All Jewish passports were stamped with a J or Jude. -
Jewish Star requirement
After the invasion of Poland the Jews had to wear a yellow or white armband with a blue star of David on it. This became widespread across Germany -
Jewish Persecution
If some anti jewish person graffitis your store front it is a warning to other anti jewish people that it is jewish owned and a warning that if it is removed they wwill be sent to a concentration camp. -
Night of broken Glass
After a seventeen year Jew murdered a German Official the Germans used this as an excuse to get as many Germans possible to smash Jewish homes and Storefronts on the morning of Nov 9th and 10th. One thousand Jews were killed, 20,000 males sent to concentration camps and so much more damage was done. -
Forced Labour
This is where they forced the Jews to pull rollers to repair their roads in a Nazi run place.