Timeline of America 2

  • The invention of the Model T

    Model Ts started being built.
  • The Zimmerman Telegram

    A communication between Germany and Mexico proposing a military alliance. If America joined WWI and Germany won, Mexico would get some territory back which they had lost to the US.
  • The WWI Armistice

    End of WWI
  • The 19th Amendment

    Granted women the right to vote.
  • Charles Lindbergh’s Flight

    Lindbergh was the first person to fly across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Black Thursday

    Stock market crash! Somewhat causing the Great Depression
  • The New Deal

    FDR's plan to get out of the Great Depression.
  • Hitler becomes chancellor

  • The Munich Pact

    An Agreement between Germany and Britan letting Germany take over some of Czechoslovakia.
  • Hitler Invades Poland

  • Pearl Harbor

  • D-Day

    Start of the allies' victory in WWII in the west.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki

    America nukes Hiroshima & Nagasaki, two Japanese cities.
  • The formation of United Nations

  • The Long Telegram

    A 5000-word analysis of the soviets, and what America should do about it, sent over telegraph lines.
  • The formation of NATO

  • Russians acquire the Atomic Bomb

  • Period: to

    The Korean War

  • Brown v Board of Education

  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat

  • Period: to

    The Vietnam War

  • The Cuban Missile Crisis

  • JFK’s Assassination

  • The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

  • The Apollo 11 Moon Landing

  • The Watergate Break-ins

  • Nixon’s Resignation

  • The invention of the Internet

    or 1990
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall

  • The 9/11 Attacks