Timeline- History

  • The day I moved to Elmira

    This day was really important to me because this was a fresh new start for me. I spent 8 years in Guelph, and I lived in Elmira when I was younger for 2 years but I moved back and I ended up loving it because I met a lot of new people and was in a new house. I have evidence for this because I have old pictures from Guelph and Iḿ still in contact with some friends from there.
  • The first time I went on a plane

    I remember this day really well because I was really nervous leading up to it, but also excited. I realized when I was on the plane that it wasn't as bad as I thought and throughout the plane ride I got over my fear. I have evidence of this day because there is a stamp on my passport and I have photos from the plane.
  • The start of lockdown

    This day was really important because it was the last normal day since covid. At this point, we didn't even realize how much our life would change from there, and all of us had to go online for school for a couple months which felt weird. I have evidence of this from photos of me being home during school and the news.
  • My sister's wedding

    This day was really important to me because she's my sister and it was weird seeing her wedding considering the fact that I grew up with her. It was a lot of fun and she looked really happy! I have evidence of this through pictures.
  • The Queen's death

    This day was really important because she was alive for so long and she was such an important figure for Canada. I remember I was in math class when I found out and it was really weird to think about. The evidence that I have is the news and also because Charles is king now.