Period: 1509 to 1547
Henry VIII's reign
He wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon but the Pope didn't accept so he separated from the Pope and createda new church of England where he was the leader. -
Oct 31, 1517
The Ninety-Five Theses
Martin Luther wrote the Ninety-five theses to critisize the indulgences (believers payed them to achieve salvation) he nailed this text on the door of the University in Wittenberg. He was excomunicated for this act but with this, he started the Reformation -
Tyndale Bible
William Tyndale translated the New Testament into the vernacular english, so every-one could read it. -
Act of Supremacy - the Schism
Henry VIII made himself 'Supreme Head of the Church of England'. He then separated the church of England from the
Roman Catholic Church. -
Period: 1536 to 1537
The Pilgrimage of Grace
Rebellion of the English people against the monarch, it wa sthe greatest rebellion an English monarch had ever faced.
It lasted 6 months. -
Period: 1545 to 1563
the Council of Trent
The Roman catholic church tried to stop some of the abuses of the Anglican church. -
Period: 1547 to 1553
Ecward VI's reign
He pushed England towards protestantism. -
Book of the Common Prayer
The mass-book was replaced by this book. -
Period: 1553 to 1558
Mary I's reign
She restored catholicism in 18 months and burned to the stake around 200 protestant heretics -
Period: 1558 to
Elizabeth I's reign
Act of Supremacy 2
Elizabeth I did like her father and abolished for the second time the authority of the Pope, and made herself 'Supreme Governor of the Church of England' -
Act of Uniformity
Every parish had to use the book of the common prayer and if they didn't attend an anglican service, they were fined. -
Period: 1563 to 1571
The 39 articles of faith
Applied a new doctrine of the church with 3 important changes :
- new ecclesiology
- new doctrine of Salvation
- new definition of sacraments and of the mass -
The Northern Rebellion
People were not happy with the changes Elizabeth I did in the Anglican church, the insurgents tried to replace the Queen with Mary, Queen of Scots. -
The Papal Bull
Pope Pius V excomunicated the Queen in this text. -
The 1581 Act
It was now legal for a catholic person to be sentenced to death beacause of their religion, and forbidden to participate in catholic mass. -
The Babington Plot
A plot to kill Elizabeth I and replace her with Mary Stuart, who participated in this plot and was discovered. -
The Execution of Mary Queen of Scots
After she was discovered ploting against Elizabeth I, she was executed. -
The defeat of the Spanish Armada
The Armada was known for being invicible yet it was defeated thanks to Elizabeth's changes in the english fleet. The conflict started because Elizabeth I supported the Dutch Revolt against Spain. Dutch are fiercly protestants. -
Period: to
James I's reign
He was spending money very fastly, in unimportant things like a double supper. England inheritated a great debt after his reign. -
Gunpowder Plot
A group of catholics wanted to blow up parliament but it wasn't a success. -
Establishment of Jamestown in Virginia
Period: to
The Starving Rime
A period of starvation where colonists didn't have enough food. Only 60 out of 500 survived -
Plymouth colony
Period: to
Charles I's reign
A crisis developped during his reign, increasing the debt of the country and he had many problems with Parliament. -
Petition of rights
Members of Parliament wrote a complain text saying that they wanted the King to recognise the limits of his rights and powers. -
Period: to
Personal Rule
The King Charles I governed alone without parliament because he disolved Parliament. -
Maryland colony
Period: to
The scottish crisis
Charles I tried to bring the chruch of Scotland and the Church of England together. the Scottish people weren't happy and started a Riot. -
The Short Parliament
Charles needed mone to fight the Scots, so he called a Parliament for the first time in eleven years, breaking the personal rule. He disolved it after three weeks. -
Period: to
The long Parliament
Charles had to pay the scot army after they invaded England so he had to call Parliament again. This Parliament wasn't disolved until 1660. -
The Grand Remonstrance
Parliament voted this text containing revolutionnary demands, it stated that the House of commons could choose the King's ministers, Parliament could reform the church and controlled every army sent to Ireland. -
Period: to
English Civil Wars
From 1643 to 1646, the Parliament was victorious thanks to the new model army and other things, the king surrendered but the New model army seized him to claim the money Parliament promised them but didn't give them. The King escaped and allied with the Scots, but were defeated by Cromwell.
This led to the execution of the King -
Charles declaring War on Parliament
Period: to
The Interregnum
After Charles I's death, England didn't want to be ruled by royalty so it was declared a commonwealth.
Cromwell ruled it with other people, it was the Cromwellian Protectorate. -
Period: to
The Commonwealth
Execution of Charles I
The Instrument of Government
England's first and only constitution written under Cromwell's Protectorate -
Period: to
The Cormwellian Protectorate
Cromwell was the head of England -
Declaration of Breda
Charles II issued it promising general pardon for the murder of his father and saying he will help England if he was ruling it as King -
Period: to
Charles II's reign
The Restoration
Charles II was made King of England -
New Amsterdam became New York
The Plague
The Greay Fire of London
Period: to
The execution crisis
The only heir of Charles was his brother but the problem is that he was catholic, so Parliament tried to debar James II from the succession. -
Pennsylvania colony
Period: to
James II's reign
Glorious Revolution
James was old and had no direct heir so the next King wouls be protestant, if only his wife didn't have a son ! So the Parliament invited William of Orange (husband of James' daughter) to invade England and seize the crown to replace James II. It was successfull.
William became William III -
Period: to
William III's reign
The Bill of Rights
A text stating James' misdeeds, fixing limits to the sovereign's power, stating the Parliament's rights, and basic civil rights. -
The Act of Settlement
An act certifying a protestant succession to England. -
The Act of Union
Creation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain by unifying England (plus Wales) and Scotland -
Period: to
George I's reign
The 1715 Jacobite Rising
Jacobites were loyal to the Stuarts and weren't happy with William's assension to being King of England.
It was led by James II's son, called the "Old Prentender". -
Period: to
Georges II's reign
The 1745 Jacobite Rising
This one was led by James II's grandson, the "Young Pretender" -
The final defeat of the Jacobites
Period: to
The Seven Years War
Britain and Spain fought for Florida and Britain won it -
Period: to
Georges III's reign
Period: to
American War od Independance
American Revolution
It started with the Declaration of Independance in 1776
And made official in 1783 by the Treaty of Paris. -
Act of Union
The United Kingdom unified itself with Ireland by merging their parliaments. -
Period: to
Georges IV's reign