Muhammads birth
Muhammad was born in the city of Mecca which was a busy market place where residents were buying and selling goods -
Aug 30, 610
first revelation
he recieved his first revelation on mount Hira outside of Mecca when he was searching for solitude and the angel Gabriel gave him the quran -
Nov 15, 613
Islams growth
Muhammad started to preach his new religon publically in Mecca -
Nov 15, 623
muhammads second marriag
Muhammad married his second wife who was nine year old girl named Aisha -
Nov 15, 630
muhammads take over
Muhammads manged to take over Mecca without any resistance and he gave them general amnesy even if the did no convert -
Nov 15, 632
muhammads death
Muhammad died with his favorite wife and his wife family and was buried in their home -
Muhammads first marriage
Muhammads first wife was a widow who was 40 years old and she was known to be very wealthy -
moved to Ta'fi
He and his followers moved here to be safe from the threatening violence