Collaborative learning

Timeline for Moreland Classrooms

By czea
  • From Here to the Future

    From Here to the Future
    Example of classroom of today.
  • Preparing for 21st Century Skills

    Preparing for 21st Century Skills
    As Moreland plans for our classrooms of the furture, the design must prepare our students for 21st Century skills, including creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking.
  • Research ideas for New Learning Spaces

    Research ideas for New Learning Spaces
    DBy June of 2014, complete research and develop plans for new learning spaces that create an environment that provide for flexible movement around the rooms where students may work in a variety of collaborative groups and promotes crtical thining.
  • Ipads for All Students

    Ipads for All Students
    All students will have access to mobile devices, tools and programs throughout the school day.
  • The new classrooom furniture

    The  new classrooom furniture
    Ensure all classrooms are equipped with movable furniture that can be quickly reconfigured into collaborative groups. Classrooms should have areas for technology, group thinking areas, and individual areas for comtemplative thinking.
  • Continued Teaching Training

    Continued Teaching Training
    Continue with professional development to ensure that teachers have the skills and expertise to empower and engage students in an innovate 21st century environment.
  • Redesigned Classrooms

    Redesigned Classrooms
    The redesigned classrooms allow for student choice, creative thinking, individual or group coaching, and resources for learning.
  • Technology of the Future

    Technology of the Future
    Students use interactive tables with teacher as a guide.
  • Redesigned Classrooms

    Redesigned Classrooms
    The new buildings will blend indoor/outdoor learning and provide timely tools, innovative programs and flexible environments to promote 21st century learning.