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  • 1 CE

    Saint Tesifón

    Saint Tesifón
    In the 1st centhury arrive in Berja. He brought Christianity to the town.
  • 2


    Romans arrive in Berja in the 2nd century.There are Roman remains in the Villa Vieja: an amphitheater and an aqueduct, and mosaics
  • 8


    After the Moorish invasion of Iberia in the eighth century, the town was known as Berja, and a fortress was built in the town. Remains of Moorish baths can still be seen in the neighborhood of Benejí.
  • 19


    Exploitation of the lead mines in Berja began in the 19th century, and the city consequently flourished during this time.
  • 19


    In the end of 19th century were the vine. In its hollows spreading everywhere the tender green carpet of the vines. Wealth of new shoots to replace the mine, belonging to the past. You can tell the welfare everywhere, beautiful farms, ponds, fountains. "
  • 1489

    Expulsion of morums

    Berja was occupied by Christian forces in 1489 during the Reconquista