Jan 1, 1300
A cultural movment that started in Italy and was used to study the humanities in many Arts -
Jan 1, 1347
Bubonic Plague Begins
A Plauge that ravaged Europe. Was carried by rats and killed one third of Europes population during that time -
Jan 1, 1420
Brunelleschi Creates Leaneat Perspective
Flippo Brunelleschi used two mirrors and showed images in a 3D world insated of painting a two dimensinal painting -
Oct 12, 1428
Joan of Arc and the Siege of Orleans
The French had Joan of Arc win her first military battle when she won Orleans from the English. -
Jan 1, 1440
Johann Gutenberg invents the Printing Press
Johann Gutenberg was a goldsmith borrowed money to create a printing press that used movable wood/metal letters to create a printing press -
Aug 1, 1464
Cosima de Medici Dies
Was the First Medici political leader(was a powerful banking family with many political ties) and helped other Medici come to rule after his death. Ruled over Florence -
Jan 1, 1478
Spanish Inquisition Begins
Was a method used to try and make Catholic the only religon. If someone was not a Catholic they were either killed or tortured until they do so. -
Jan 1, 1486
Sandro Botticelli Paints Birth of Venus
The Birth of Venus was painted by Sandro Botticelli for the Medici family of Florence -
Jan 1, 1492
Columbus Discovers the America's
On 1492 Columbus set sail with three ships planning to sail until he found Asia. Which lead him by accident to discover North America -
Jan 1, 1495
Da Vinci Paints The Last Supper
Da Vinci painted The Last Supper according to the Gospel of John. It tells the conservation in where Jesus says one of the disciples will betray him -
Jan 1, 1508
Michelangelo Paints the Sistine Chapel
Best know Chapel in Apostolic Palace. Is most famous painting is where Michelangelo oainted "The Rise and Fall of Man" on the roof -
Jan 1, 1509
Raphael Paints The School of Athens
Most famous painting by Raphael. is located in the Apostolic Palace. it shows the classical spirt of the Renaissance -
Jan 1, 1516
Thomas More Utopia
Written by Thomas Moore it is a book descirbing a fake island and its religious, social and politcal ways -
Jan 1, 1517
Martin Luther 95 theses
Written by Martin Luther and many people beleieve it started Protestants Reformation with its protests against clerical abuses -
Jan 1, 1524
Start of European Wars of Religion
Wars that started from the Reformation in Western Europe that began to spread and Catholic leigons rose to stop it from happening any longer -
Mar 18, 1530
Ivan The Terriable is Born
Was the Grand Prince os Moscow. He expanded Russia size ot what it is now by conquering. Was know for outbreaks of rage and illness -
Jan 1, 1532
Machiavelli writes the Prince
Written by Machiavelli and it was said to be the first works of modern philosophy -
Aug 15, 1534
Jesuit Order found by Ignatius Loyola
Ignatius Lovola was a Spanish knight then turned Priest. Gave his life to God which lead him to create the Jesuit Order -
Jul 12, 1536
Desiderius Erasmus Dies
Desiderius Erasmus was a Dutch Priest. was important part in the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic-counter Reformation. -
Feb 22, 1538
Henry the 8th of England is Excommunicated
Henry was excommunicated from the Catholic church for wanting to divorce his wife and then cheated on her. -
Jan 1, 1543
Scientific Revolution/ Copernicus
Showed that Earth was not the center of the galaxy and began to show models of the Universe with this theory -
Jan 1, 1557
Spain declares bankruptcy for the 1st time
King Philip the second ruled over Spain at the time. First time a country had declared Bankruptcy after he failed to take care of the countries money and spent it on himself to gain power in other countires -
Jan 15, 1559
Coronation of Queen Elizabeth the First
Took place in Westminster abby. It was a coronation of both Catholic and Protestant rituals. crowned in Latin but after that everything was read in English to show new ways -
Aug 24, 1572
Saint Bartholomew's Massacre
Catholic soliders and Clergy killed thousands of Protestants at Saint Bartholomews church in France during thEuropean wars of Religion -
Edict of Nantes
King Henry the fourth gave rights to the Protestnats in Catholic dominated France to promote civil unity