Created By: Konrad Zuse
- it was designed for engineering purposes, and it was meant to be used on a computer.
- it also aloud routines or subroutines in the program -
Created By: John Backus& IBM
- it was a general purpose language that was mainly used for numeric computation and scientific computing.\
- Formula Translation -
Created By: Charles Katz & Grace Hopper
- It was a compiler programming language used for the UNIVAC I & II -
Created By: John McCarthy, Steve Russell, Timothy Hart & Mike Levin
- it was used for practical mathematical notation
- It means list processing -
Created By: Howard Bromberg, Howard Discount, Vernon Reeves, Jean E. Sammet & William Seldeny
- It is primarily used in business platforms like companies and government systems.
- Stands for common business-orientated -
Created By: IBM
- It is classified as a high level programming language for business that get reports daily on their systems.
- Stands for Report Program Generator -
Created By: John Kemeny & Thomas Kurtz
- This language was meant to allow beginners or everyday people to use computers.
- Stands For Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code -
Created By: Wally Feurzig & Seymour Papert
- It was widely used for turtle graphics to draw line graphics -
Created By: Ken Thompson & Dennis Ritchie
- It is used for system software for non-numeric applications -
Created By: Nicklaus Wirth
- it is used to teach students programming
- Pascal is the last name of a mathematician -
Created By: Donald Chamberlin & Raymond Boyce
- It is widely used for database management, like for back end web servers.
- It stands for Structured Query Language -
Created By: Dennis Ritchie & Bell Labs
- It is used to efficiently map constructs to machine instructions which is used in operating systems.
- It is named C because it was the successor to the programming language B -
Created By: Jean Ichbiah
- It is used to improve the reliability of the language, it detects compile errors so that there are no errors in the program.
- ADA stands for Ada Lovelace- credited with the first to write a computer program -
Created By: Bjarne Stroustrup
- it is used to make simple prototyping programs. -
Visual Basic
Created By: Microsoft
- It is used for 3rd generation computers, which is easy to learn and use -
Created By: Embarcadero Technologies
- It is widely used to develop console, web and mobile applications.
-Delphi was the beta code name which eventually stuck to it. -
Created By: Brendan Eichd, Netscape Communications, Mozilla Foundation & Ecma International
- It is used to make websites and help give the website interesting interaction features. -
Created By: James Gosling, Sun Micro-systems & Oracle Corporation
- It is used as a simple tactic to write once and repeat anywhere -
Created By: Rasmus Lerdorf
- It used to create web databases and interactions with it. -
Created By: Guido Van Rossum
- It is a high level programming language which can be used to write scripts for computers and applications. -
Created By: Robert Miller & more attending the University of Edinburgh
- It is used to commonly among programmers to check errors and give suggestions on what to type next its is a standardized functional language.
- it stands for Meta Language