Timeline: Afro-Colombian (Cocadas), Otomi (Piques), Afro-Brazilian (Feijoada), and Embera (Chicha)
By SaraTG2002
8000 BCE
Origins of the Otomi
800 BCE
Embera Origins
Tamales in Petén, Guatemala
Start of the Slave trade in Colombia and Brazil
Popul Vuh Creation Story
San Basilio the Palenque (first free town)
First Prohibition of Chicha
Second Prohibition of Chicha
Abolition of Slavery in Colombia
First Debut of Feijoada
Malê Uprising
Cessation of Slave imports
Abolition of Slavery in Brazil
Cocada as a national candy
Third Prohibition of Chicha
International Spread of La Cocada
Museum "La Bendita Chicha"