1200px la candelaria calle 12

Timeline: Afro-Colombian (Cocadas), Otomi (Piques), Afro-Brazilian (Feijoada), and Embera (Chicha)

  • 8000 BCE

    Origins of the Otomi

    Origins of the Otomi
  • 800 BCE

    Embera Origins

    Embera Origins
  • 100

    Tamales in Petén, Guatemala

    Tamales in Petén, Guatemala
  • 1550

    Start of the Slave trade in Colombia and Brazil

    Start of the Slave trade in Colombia and Brazil
  • 1554

    Popul Vuh Creation Story

    Popul Vuh Creation Story
  • San Basilio the Palenque (first free town)

    San Basilio the Palenque (first free town)
  • First Prohibition of Chicha

    First Prohibition of Chicha
  • Second Prohibition of Chicha

    Second Prohibition of Chicha
  • Abolition of Slavery in Colombia

    Abolition of Slavery in Colombia
  • First Debut of Feijoada

    First Debut of Feijoada
  • Malê Uprising

    Malê Uprising
  • Cessation of Slave imports

    Cessation of Slave imports
  • Abolition of Slavery in Brazil

    Abolition of Slavery in Brazil
  • Cocada as a national candy

    Cocada as a national candy
  • Third Prohibition of Chicha

    Third Prohibition of Chicha
  • International Spread of La Cocada

    International Spread of La Cocada
  • Museum "La Bendita Chicha"

    Museum "La Bendita Chicha"