Jan 1, 1491
Henry Tudor's Birthday
Henry Tudor, the son of Henry VII of England and Elizabeth York, was born on June 28, 1491. -
Jan 1, 1503
In 1503 Henry took the throne.
In 1503 King Aurthor died and Henry took the throne. -
Jan 1, 1534
In 1534, Henry VIII declared he was head of Church of England.
Jan 1, 1537
From 1536 to 1537, a great northern uprising took place.
Jan 1, 1547
Henry Tudor's Death
Henry Tudor, the son of Henry VII of England and Elizabeth York, was born on June 28, 1491 and died on January 28, 1547. -
Apr 20, 1547
His only son, Edward VI, beacame king after Henrys death
From 1491–1547 Henry VIII had 6 wifes