

  • Period: to


  • Declaration of Independence

  • Articles of Confederation endorsed by the Continental Congress and submitted to the colonies for ratification.

  • Articles of Confederation officially "in force" after ratificationby by the colonies.

  • Treaty of Paris was signed.

  • Senate ratifies.

  • Land Ordinance of 1785 passed by Congress

  • Ordinance of Religious Freedom adopted by Virginia legislature

  • Daniel Shays leads a rebellion of 1200 men in an attack against federal arsenal

  • Constitutional Convention assembles in Philadelphia

  • Northwest Ordinance enacted by Congress provides for the eventual incorporation of three to five new states in the Northwest territories

  • The Great Compromise is presented by Roger Sherman

  • Constitution is endorsed by Congress and sent to state legislatures for ratification

  • Federalist Papers begin to be published

  • The Constitution is in effect after recieving the approval of the requisite nine states

  • George Washington is elected first President of the United States

  • War and Treasury Departments are established by Congress

  • The Bill of Rights is submitted by Congress to the states for ratification

  • Federal Judiciary Act is passed by Congress

  • Thomas Jefferson is officially named Secretary of State

  • The Bill of Rights is ratified