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Autonomous University of Mexico

  • Jan 25, 1553


    Its opening took place on January 25, 1553. It was organized in the image and likeness of the
    European universities with a scholastic tradition, particularly that of Salamanca
  • Royal School of Surgery

    Royal School of Surgery
    In 1778 the Royal School of Surgery was opened
  • Academy of San Carlos

    Academy of San Carlos
    Two years later the Academia de San Carlos was established for the study of Fine Arts.
  • Royal College of Mining

    Royal College of Mining
    The Royal Seminary of Mining of New Spain was a school designed to teach mining technique and improve the mining production of New Spain that was based in Mexico.
  • Reopening

    Emperor Maximilian reopened it and later closed it. There were establishments for the study of medicine, engineering, bookkeeping, architecture and jurisprudence, to which the School of Agriculture later joined.
  • National and Pontifical University

    National and Pontifical University
    When the independent era came, the title of Royal was abolished, since the King of Spain ceased to have sovereignty in the country. It was then called the National and Pontifical University, to later remain only the name of the University of Mexico.
  • Curriculum

    Dr. Gabino Barreda established the National Preparatory School, whose curriculum was completely inspired by the thought of Augusto Comte. Its launching extinguished the remnants of colonial education that had survived until the 19th century.
  • Justo Sierra

    Justo Sierra
    The immediate antecedents of the modern Mexican university date from the project presented by Justo Sierra in the Chamber of Deputies on February 11, 1881.
  • National University

    National University
    The following April 7, it endorsed it before the Chamber, with the support of the deputations of Aguascalientes, Jalisco, Puebla and Veracruz. As is known, his project did not prosper, but Sierra never abandoned the idea of ​​establishing a National University in Mexico.
  • Higher Council of Public Education.

    Higher Council of Public Education.
    Sierra presented his project again at the opening of the Higher Council of Public Education on April 13, 1902, and reiterated it three years later before the same body.
  • Dependence of the Executive Power

    Dependence of the Executive Power
    In 1905 the idea acquired greater force, from the moment in which the Ministry of Public Instruction became a reality when it was split from the old Ministry of Justice. Sierra went from undersecretary to head of the newly created branch of the Executive Power
  • Opening of the National University.

    Opening of the National University.
    Within the framework of the centenary of Independence, he announced that the President of the Republic agreed with the opening of the National University.
  • Closure

    It was closed in the years 1833, 1857 and1861
  • Autonomous University of Mexico

    Autonomous University of Mexico
    Currently, the university continues to function, being one of the important universities in Mexico and Latin America