Short Introduction to English Grammar by Robert Lowth's
Samuel Johnson's Dictionary
Jackobson's functions of language
in emotive, conative, referential, poetic, metalinguistic and phatic -
Speech Act Theory
By Austin and later Searle -
Austin's How To DO Things With Words
Theory of Syntax by Chomsky
Selinker creates the term Interlanguage
Shift towards functional communcative syllabi
Campbell and Wales criticise Chomsky's doctrine of innate ideas
Hymes coins the term "Communicative Competence"
Halliday rejects the dichotomy competence-performance
Grice's maxims
The Council of Europe establishes The Threshold Level
Goffman's universal constraints
openings, closings, back-channel signals, turnover signals, bracket signals and preempt signals -
Searle classificated the illocutionary acts
into directives, commissives, representatives, expressives and declaratives -
Widdowson distinguishes between usage and use
Canale and Swain defines the term CC
Canale proposes 4 components of CC
CEF classifies the CC's competences into levels of proficiency
Kramsch introduces the concept of intercultural competence