• Short Introduction to English Grammar by Robert Lowth's

  • Samuel Johnson's Dictionary

  • Behaviourism

  • Jackobson's functions of language

    in emotive, conative, referential, poetic, metalinguistic and phatic
  • Speech Act Theory

    By Austin and later Searle
  • Austin's How To DO Things With Words

  • Theory of Syntax by Chomsky

  • Selinker creates the term Interlanguage

  • Shift towards functional communcative syllabi

  • Campbell and Wales criticise Chomsky's doctrine of innate ideas

  • Hymes coins the term "Communicative Competence"

  • Halliday rejects the dichotomy competence-performance

  • Grice's maxims

  • The Council of Europe establishes The Threshold Level

  • Goffman's universal constraints

    openings, closings, back-channel signals, turnover signals, bracket signals and preempt signals
  • Searle classificated the illocutionary acts

    into directives, commissives, representatives, expressives and declaratives
  • Widdowson distinguishes between usage and use

  • Canale and Swain defines the term CC

  • Canale proposes 4 components of CC

  • CEF classifies the CC's competences into levels of proficiency

  • Kramsch introduces the concept of intercultural competence