Awaaqahq p36743

Timeline 2: 1865-1945

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    Expanding Frontiers

  • The Transcontinental Railroad

    The Transcontinental Railroad
    In 1869 the Transcontinental Railroad was completed after six long years of being built. This is important in shaping America because it connected the nation through transportation. The railroad was a dream for those who lived in the West because they were not as disconnected from the rest of the country as they used to be.
  • The First Telephone

    The First Telephone
    In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. This was a huge deal in the 1870s because the only other form of long distance communication was letters and the telegraph. In addition, it paved the way for better, more advanced forms of communication in the future.
  • The First Gas Powered Car

    The First Gas Powered Car
    Karl Benz, a German inventor, constructed the first ever gas powered car during this time. Although this invention was made in Germany, it still influenced America by opening a door for other entrepreneurs such as Henry Ford to invent cars in the future.
  • The Election of a New President

    The Election of a New President
    It is the beginning of a new century, and America is thriving. In 1901 Teddy Roosevelt is elected for President. His term impacted the shaping of America because he wanted to build up the nation's defenses since it was becoming one of the world’s leading countries. Towards the end of his Presidency, Roosevelt achieved his goal and the United States' Navy was one of the dominant international forces of the world.
  • The Beginning of the Panama Canal

    The Beginning of the Panama Canal
    In 1904 the construction of the Panama Canal began. Although the project was finished ten years later, it was a pivotal moment for the countries involved. This was a huge deal in American history because it boosted economies and world trade as a whole. It did this by cutting travel time in half for cargo ships, so trading was faster and more efficient.
  • The NAACP

    The NAACP
    In 1909 WEB du Bois helped form the NAACP. This organization works for equal rights for African Americans and fought against oppression in schools, jobs, and the public in general in order to achieve their goal of ending racism for good. This is a huge part in American history because African Americans are finally able to fight back against the oppression they face.
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    The Early Twentieth Century

  • The End of Monopolies

    The End of Monopolies
    John D. Rockefeller achieved his goal of being the nation's sole oil provider. However, in 1911 Supreme Court declared the entrepreneur's Standard Oil Company a monopoly and ordered it to be dissolved into smaller, separate companies. This impacted the business aspect of America because more rules and regulations were put into place regarding corporations; one of the biggest rules was the intolerance for monopolies.
  • The First Woman in Supreme Court

    The First Woman in Supreme Court
    In 1916 Jeannette Rankin becomes the first woman elected to Supreme Court. This is important in American history because it leads to much more women being involved in politics as a whole.
  • The Beginning of the Red Scare

    The Beginning of the Red Scare
    In 1917 the First Red Scare began, sparking fear across the nation of communism. This impacted Americans because many of them feared communism would take over the nation.
  • The 18th and 19th Amendment

    The 18th and 19th Amendment
    During this time the 18th Amendment was ratified, declaring that alcohol is prohibited in the states. This sparks the creation of the black market - where alcohol could be manufactured and sold illegally. This is the exact opposite of the purpose of the prohibition era to make society better. The 19th Amendment was also ratified at this time; granting women the right to vote and paving the way for women to have a bigger role in political, economic, and social aspects as a whole.
  • The Stock Market Crash

    The Stock Market Crash
    In 1929, the United States was devastated when the Stock Market crashed. This impacted the nation greatly, many people lost jobs, money, their homes, and so much more. The crash contributed to the shaping of America because many people never trusted banks again. Also, new laws and regulations were put into place in order to prevent the same thing happening in the future.
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    The Great Depression and World War II

  • World War II

    World War II
    Following Germany’s attack on Poland, World War II begins when England and France declare war on Germany. This affected America greatly because later in 1941 the nation joins the Allied forces in response to the attack on the naval base in Pearl Harbor.
  • World War II Comes to an End

    World War II Comes to an End
    In 1945 World War II ended with an Allied victory and Germany in shambles. This shaped the nation because the first atomic bomb was used and the United Nations were formed.