
  • 603 BCE

    Mohammad founded the islamic religion

  • 207 BCE

    Silk routes emerged connecting between the mediterranean basin and asia

  • 100 BCE

    Parper was invented by the chinese

  • 4 BCE

    Jesus was the founder of the christian religon

  • 1184

    The inquisition ws used to reinforce catholic doctrine

  • 1382

    Johnwycliffe argued the bible was the highest religious authority

  • 1415

    Jan Huss was burned at the stake for being heretic

  • 1438

    The hapsburg familiy was the most powerful

  • 1439

    johnnes gutenberg invented the printing press

  • 1466

    Erasmus spread the idea of humanism

  • 1493

    Songhia empire was established in africa

  • 1495

    Leonardo da vinci painted the last supper

  • 1497

    The renaissance began in the italian city-states and spread to nortren europe

  • 1501

    MichealAngelo sculpter the statue of david

  • 1503

    Leonardo Da Vinci painted the mona lisa

  • 1508

    MichealAngelo painted the celling of the sistine chapel

  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther nailed 95 Theses to a church door.

    Martin Luther nailed 95 Theses to a church door.
    Martin Luther nailed 95 Theses to a church door.