Enabling Act
Later called "The Law for Terminating the Suffering of People and Nation" The government enabled laws that basically you could have anything you want to a it passed. -
Berlin Book Burning
Students of the Berlin University took it in their own hands and decide to burn 70,000 tons of books that were written by "un-german spirits" -
Nuremberg Laws
the Nuremberg Laws were passed. the first law was: "marriages between Jews and citizens of Geman or related blood are forbidden" also that there is no "sexual relations between Jews and citizens of german or related bloods." the other law is "citizen of reich is only that subject of german" -
Law #174-Jewish name change (8/1938)
If the Jews did not have a "recogizably Jewish" name. They had to add a specific name for their middle name. The womens was Sarah and the men was Israel. A list of "recognizably Jewish" was published by the government. -
Night of Broken Glass (pogrom-violent mob attack of Jews)
The Nazis needed an excuse to "unleash a giant pogrom againist Jews and Jewish proerty. The Nazi used glass from "smashed Jewish storefronts and homes that littered the street all over" this was called the "crystal night" or "the night of the broken glass" -
Jewish Star Requirement
all jews ages 6 and up were required to wear the Jewish star badge. This symbolization is to appear as a "mark of shame" -
Jewish Boycott
Hitler order a boycott (stop buying a product from somewhere) of all Jewish business. adverisment went out stating to the Germans to not buy from the Jewish and if you do, you are a traitor. -
Aryan Law (Civil Service=Government Jobs)
Aryan Law was the first anti-jewish law, also refer to as the "Law for the Restoration of the Civil Service." All of the non-aryans (jews) in the civil service were to be expelled.