Time Period 3

By rinlang
  • Causes of the Revolution

    The American Revolution came up through the mistreatment by the British such as the Intolerable Acts and salutary neglect. Along with these, the British enacted various acts such as sugar, quartering, stamp, and declaratory acts. These led to the declaration of rights and grievances and the 1st and 2nd continental congresses and eventually, the war. Although there were efforts to keep the revolution from happening such as the Olive Branch Petition, the war occurred anyways.
  • American Revolution: Successful Battles

    There were various battles that decided the future of the colonies, but the battles of Lexington and Concord and the Battles of Saratoga and Yorktown were decisive victories for the colonies that allowed for them to gain their independence from the British. Lexington & Concord was also the first major battle of the revolution.
  • Treaties and Compromises

    When the revolutionary war was over, the colonies created the Articles of Confederation, which was essentially the first constitution. It included the idea of a weak central government, powerful states, and a unicameral legislature.
  • Federalists vs Antis

    The ratification of the constitution sparked a huge debate among the Americans, separating them into feds and anti-feds. Feds favored the ratification of the constitution which led to the writing of Federalist Papers and the Federalist Era.
  • Political Acts

    As the country progressed, the first president, as his term was over, left with a farewell address stating various tips as to what should occur to the country, for example, no political parties (which we have now). The idea of isolationism was also thrown about which led to the Alien and Sedition Acts (which promoted not partaking in activities related to the Eastern Hemisphere).
  • Landmark Documents

    The AoC was proven to be a failure so the US made a new framework document: the Constitution. They included elements of the declaration of independence but gave the central govt more power. They also included a Bill of Rights and 3/5s Compromise and eventually added a National Bank.