Australia's involvement in World War One 1914-1918

By vei
  • Great Britain declares war on Germany

    Australia quickly pledged it's support for Britain. And from the word's of the former prime minister of Australia he said "Australians will stand beside our own to help and defend her to our last man and our last shilling."
  • Volunteering recruits begins in Australia

    More than 50,000 Australian volunteers passed the strict physical and medical standards to fight overseas
  • Australia's first WW1 battle in Papua New Guniea (September 11 - 17)

    The AN&MEF troops fought with the Melanesian and German troops at Bitapaka in the German colony of PNG.
  • Australia's land in ANZAC Cove

    The Australian troops were only one of many that made a pre-dawn landing on near the Gallipoli peninsula. The Australian's and New Zealander's landed on Anzac Cove.
  • Attacking of 'Baby 700'

    Australian troop as well as the New Zealand troops attacked the Turkish-occupied feature that was known as 'Baby 700'.
  • Gallipoli truce to bury the dead

    A temporary truce was negotiated between the Australian and Turkish troops to recover the dead from 'no-man's' land for burial. More than 3,000 Turks and approx 160 Australians were killed.
  • Lone Pine

    One of the most famous assaults of the Gallipoli campaign as diversions attempts by the New Zealand and Australian units assaulted the Turkish positions at Lone Pine.
  • Charge of the Turkish trenches

    Australian light horsemen charged the Turkish trenches at the Nek.
  • Australian troops arrive in Egypt

    Australian as well as New Zealand troops arrived at the seaport of Aden at the entrance of the Red Sea. These troops were diverted to Egypt in order to protect the Suez Canal against Turks.
  • Evacuation of Australian troops in Gallipoli

    A evacuation of all Australian as well as the New Zealand and British troops had left ANZAC Cove of which 26,000 dead and 8,000 Australians killed in action or died of wounds or diseases,
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    Battle of the Formelles

    Working alongside the British 61st Division, the Australian 5th division attacked the German positions near Formelles. Unfortunately for the Australians, the action was a costly and unsuccessful introduction to the war on the Western Front, with more than 5,000 casualties suffering in less than 24hrs.
  • First Conscription referendum

    Political leaders of Australia raised the issue of conscription.
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    Battle of Flers

    The village of Flers, in the Somme valley in France, gave its name to a series of attacks launched by 1 ANZAC in November 1916
  • Battle of Polygon Wood

    The 5th and 4th divisions attacked the German stronghold of Polygon Wood as a part of the Third Battle of Ypres.
  • Battle of Broodseinde

    With large amounts of artillery, and attacking on a limited front, the Australian troops successfully captured the German positions on Broodseinde ridge at a cost of 6,500 casualties.
  • Attack on the village of Passchendale

    The last Australian attack during the Third Battle of Ypres attempted to capture the village of Passchendale
  • Battle of Beersheba

    The most famous mounted charge involving the Australian Light Horse was carried out against the fixed Turkish defences at Beersheba in Palestine, and followed two failed attempts to capture Gaza.
  • Second conscription referendum