National Defense Education act
Provided funds to have teachers of students with intellectual disabilities trained by training professionals -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Gave the states and local school district funds to develop programs for children with disabilities and economic disadvantages. -
Handicapped Children's Early Assistance Act
Created the Office of special Education. -
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
Made it so that any person with a disability can not be excluded from a program or activity receiving federal funds. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
Mandated free appropriated public education for all children in the age range 6 to 21 years old. Required the development of IEPs and stated that education must be in the LRE . -
Handicapped Children Protection Act
Provided authority so that parents who prevail in a court case or hearing to secure and appropriate education for their child may receive reimbursement for attorney fees. -
Americans with Disabilities Act
Provided rights and protection against the discrimination of anyone with a disability in private and public services and employment and accommodations in the areas of transportation, and telecommunications. -
Goals 2000:Educate America Act
Provided funds to help educators meet 8 national education goals by the year 2000. -
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
Schools are expected to achieve adequate yearly progress to make sure that teachers are qualified and using curriculum and good teaching strategies. These schools that do not achieve yearly progress are targeted to correct and restructure any problems. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004
Maintained the major components of IDEA previously EAHCA but included benchmarks and short-term objectives to be included in students IEPs that take alternate assessment. RTI was added to identify learning disabilities. Also made a clarification to how long a students can be removed from school because of special circumstances whether or not it relates to a child's disability.