Baby is Born
13-15 Months
Physical Development- Builds towers from blocks,sits by collapsing when taking first steps,cruises along furniture,crawls over small barriers. -
13-15 Months
Cognitive Development-Explores different features of objects as if studying them,loves to mimic actions, looks in correct places for objects that roll away, has very short memory and almost no forethought. -
16-18 Months
Physical Development- May show hand preference in all activities, jumps with both feet, pushes and pulls large toys around the floor, squats down smoothly from standing position. -
16-18 Months
Cognitive Development- Tries to imitate the ways parents use objects, is very inquisitive about everything, identifies simple pictures in books, has short attention span. -
19-21 Months
Physical Development- Holds two objects in hands in easily, squats easily in play, can kick large ball without stepping on it, jumps forward and in place. -
19-21 Months
Cognitive Development- Likes to make marks on paper with big crayon, is interested in tiny things such as bugs, can remember familiar objects without seeing them, progresses from simple imitation to imaginative play. -
22-24 Months
Physical Development- Likes to play with modeling clay, walks sideways and backwards with ease, can throw ball into basket, throws ball overhead instead of tossing. -
22-24 Months
Cognitive Development- Is able to ask for food when hungry, identifies familiar objects on TV screen, is able to match familiar objects,follows simple directions. -
24-30 Months
Physical Development- Improves motor skills as torso lengthens and baby fat begins to disappear, kicks ball forward, throws ball overhead but without aiming, climbs on jungle gym with ease. -
24-30 Months
Cognitive Development- Is able to use nearby objects in make-believe games, becomes increasingly interested in children's TV shows, can follow two-step commands, distinguishes between before and after. -
30-36 Months
Physical Development- Makes mud pies and sand castles,enjoys games involving running, walks on tiptoe, throws ball overhead but aim is still poor. -
30-36 Months
Cognitive- Becomes more skilled in putting puzzles together, recognizes themselves in photographs, identifies familiar objects by touch, can stack rings in correct order.