The Anschluss
Adolf Hitler made an Anschluss to try and reunite the Germans and Austrians. His plan was to probably make one whole empire to have a bigger army and better resources. Austrian chancellor feared Hitler because of his powers. The Austrian chancellor wanted unification so Hitler sent troops and designed the Anschluss. -
The Munich Conference
Hitler claimed Sudetenland a part of Czechslovakia was being mistreated by the Czechslovakian Govenrment. They came up with the idea of "The Munich Conference". Hitler met with people from France, United Kingdom, and Italy. They came up with agreement that Hitler would annex Sudetenland and in return he proimsed he would not invade any other areas. Hitler was very determined to make his country the one of the most powerful. -
The Nazi Soviet Pact
Leaders from the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany made an agreement that the countires would not attack eachother. This would prvent war between other countries and instagating. Hitlers desire was to not have war but yet become a very strong country, but to also have a better outcome in WWII than in WWI. -
Danzig and the Polish Corridor
The Treaty of Versailles awarded Poland with a strip of land. It seperated both the german-speaking countries and Germany itself. Hitler then annexes the corridor and recieved the land that Poland once had. This shows how Hitlers goal was to unite all of the german-speaking countires and Germany itself. -
The War Begins
Hitler invades Poland with no hesitation or fear. Afterwards, Great Britain and France declare war on Germany because Hitler had refused to abort his invasion in Poland.