Early Life
Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Kuhn studied physics in Harvard University reaching his PhD by 1949. Continuing his work on quantum physics, in addition, teaching science as part of a humanities credit. Challenging Aristotle's thinking stating that About motion, in particular, his writings seemed to me full of egregious errors, both of logic and of observation." Kuhn, Thomas S. "A discussion with Thomas S. Kuhn. In idem." (2000). -
The Structure of Scientific Revolution
Publishing the book, "Structure of Scientific Revolution," where he first introduced paradigm shift as theories and methods were entering a new phase of what was considered the normal science. Arguing that science does not generate towards a truth, and that current theories cannot explain the phenomenon. Shapere, Dudley. "The structure of scientific revolutions." The Philosophical Review 73.3 (1964): 383-394. -
Paradigm Shift
Frequency use of paradigm shift meaning that there are anomalies that do not have a simple solution to them. Scientist will have theories on the anomalies, trying to see if it can be falsified. There is "normal science" which the science that is seen and done that reflect the perspective of the world. This normal science will shift multiple times leading to constant removal of theories. Meaning that there is no simple normal science, but a scientific revolution. -
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