3500 BCE
Beginning of Sumerian, Egyptian, and Norte Chico civilizations
3400 BCE
Nubian kingdom of Ta-Seti
3200 BCE
Period of independent Sumerian City states
2663 BCE
Old Kingdom Egypt
High point of Pharoh's power and pyramid building -
2200 BCE
Beginning of Chinese, Indus Valley, and Central Asian (Oxus) civilizations
2070 BCE
Xia Dynasty in China
1999 BCE
Epic Gilgamesh Completed
1900 BCE
Babylonian Empire
1792 BCE
Reign of Hamurabi
1700 BCE
Abandonment of Inus Valley Cities
1550 BCE
New Kingdom Egypt
1200 BCE
Beginnings of Olmec Civilization
1046 BCE
Beginnings of the Western Zhou Dynasty
760 BCE
Kush Conquest of Egypt
586 BCE
Babylonian Conquest if Judah
500 BCE
Egypt and Mesopotamia incorporated into Persian Empire
221 BCE
China's first Emperor - Qin Shihuangdi
Burnt books and scholars in effort to unify China for writing brought political conflict