Planning Meetings
Begin the process by gathering tech team to begin discussions on the role of technology in the classroom. Getting buy-in is vital toward moving a school or district toward enhanced use of technology. -
Team members must be part of the process and need to research technology for implementation. They must believe in the dream. -
Conitued research of usable applications for instruction. Expansion of their use is a must. Next steps that go with this is the training of staff. -
Implementation of technogy in the instructional realm. Before we can get too far we must train existing staff in how to use the new devices and software if we are to make an impact on enhancing instruction and learning. -
After much training we will need to expand/Increase use of tablets and other mobile devices in classrooms for instructional use. Dollars to pay for this venture must also be available. -
Wireless is a must and expansion to all our sites must occur as we expand the use and open ourselves to BYD. -
Tech Expanseion
What's next? What's out there? Expand classroom use of new Tech devices to support instruction.